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                He is always with her never leaving her side unless summoned to the heavenly realm and is always replaced as her Guardian until he returns. This mortal is of great importance what he knows not but she is precious to him, he feels for her and cares for her more than just his charge. His emotions confuse him at times and other times become overwhelming and disorientating. A rustle of wind behind him. He smiles and asks “How long have you been here Saraquel”?

A soft deep voice replies” Long enough Acheron, long enough to see your struggle”

Acheron laughs” there is no struggle I am her guardian I protect her as he wishes me too”

Saraquel” Yes but a battle inside you rages and clouds your judgment”

“It is of no consequence I will not fail” Acheron states

Saraquel comes into form from the shadows leans into Acheron and embraces him in his arms smiling, “You are great my brother, and more important than you could ever know, when in doubt seek guidance and you will find wisdom” and steps back into the shadow and fades from sight. Acheron looks down confused about the meaning of what Saraquel told him but decides to address it another time and looks towards his charge Jennifer as she enters the large rally in front of the University. His eyes catch the faces of some of the students and staff of the crowd and even some of the press as their faces turn towards him they begin to change dark and twisted, he knows they are possessed or worse. Jenny is in danger! He phases into the fold so they are not able to see him as an Angel of God his powers far exceed theirs but he knows hes no match for their numbers. He must get her out of there without drawing attention to her. Looking up at the stage as the crowd cheers the next speaker on A man Appears his body enwrapped with flames and Dark smoke, his face is utter terror horns form from the smoke. Acheron knew this was no ordinary demon as evil emanated from him and took over the crowd with his  influence, no this was one of the devils highest generals……..the anti-Christ was among us.

                He looked above the stage to see a large scaffolding with lights attached in a flash the large steel structure came down with a loud creek and snap! Everyone on the stage dove up and one of the men from behind the speaker dove into him pushing the two of them off the stage into the crowd. Screaming and panic took the crowd as Jenny turned to find her friend on all fours crying and calling for Bugglies her dog, Jenny rushed to her side grasping her arm and pulling her out of the crowd till they were safe behind a tree. “What the hell was that”?! Sharon screamed “Where’s my bitch”?! just then a little white bugglies comes running up to Sharon’s leg, she scoops it up and turns toward Jenny and with a confused look says “ Ok we can go now I’m good” they return to the parking lot as police, fire and ambulances begin to arrive. Jenny turns to Sharon and states “I guess that was a bust” smiling they both take off and head to Jenny’s place. She was safe he had done it, now to report what he’d seen to Saraquel.




                   The old man sits at his dining room table his eyes closed head bowed. Thinking of a little girls smile as she plays in the sun running in the sand picking up little sea shells and handing them to him. A tear rolls down his cheek as he hears the back door open; he wipes the tears and gives a clearing cough. Maggie walks in with a couple bags of groceries as her eyes meet his she knows as her heart bleeds for their loss as well it is an unsaid pain they both share. She was but 9 years old as she was taken from them, their angel, their lil princess. Taken in a car accident where a drunk driver crossed the center line into their lane. Seems typical and non- extravagant way something you hear about all the time until it’s your child that’s lost. Hank blames himself heck they both do. The driver walked away just fine only a few cuts and bruises, lil Jamie didn’t and the two of them spent weeks in the hospital.

“Hank can you help me with the rest of the groceries”? Maggie asks knowing this will distract both of them from the memories of that horrible night.

“Sure dear” he replies and gives a reassuring smile as he heads out the back door.

Mad at God and the world they both were now pastors trying to comfort others pain when their own is all to real just beneath the surface……”funny how things work out” they both agree.



The Detectives

8:14am Friday

Coroner’s office

NJ precinct, New Jersey


                They both stare at the cold, white body of the young girl. No longer full of life her eyes milky white; no soul, nothing but a shell. He thinks at least she’s no longer in pain and suffering by the hands of this madman. This young girl someone’s daughter, heck could’ve been his if he had one. He never let himself get to close has seen it all too many times. The life of a cop is no place for a family and he didn’t want to be another cliché. He’d have to make that call the part he hated most assuring the parents that they would do their best to bring him to justice all the while knowing the chances of catching this mad man were slim and none. But he’d be dammed if he wasn’t going to try his best to get him and when he did catch him there be no prison no trial knowing that son of a bitch would plead insanity. Who could blame him he clearly was insane but there’d be no cushy medical facility for him. Ill put my entire clip into his chest and head and leave the force, forced retirement the scenario he has played over and over again while filling up his cup of whisky sitting alone at his table late and night unable to sleep until he passed out from alcohol induced nightmares. He’s been doing this shit far too fuckin long.

                The coroner Enduce Cleavland turns to him and breathes out a sigh “same thing detective, plenty of DNA but no matches, same M.O. as the others” Joe slams his fist on the cold steel table, turns and walks out slammin the doors open as he exits the office into the hall. Angel apologizes and follows. Catching up to Joe she grabs his arm and turns him towards her. Her Aqua eyes are filled with rage like he’s never seen before. “Get yourself together Joe”! She shakes him yelling, Were gonna get this Mutha faka, I am telling you”!!!!! They both wonder the same thing how can this killer not be in the system everyone was in the system criminal or not. He had help somehow or worse he’s a ghost maybe special ops once which would explain the insanity and violence but either way they were no closer to finding him. He looked at Angel “23 Angel 20 fuckin 3”!!!!!,” I want this bastard skinned alive in public”!!!!!

They both knew what was going to happen if he caught the killer he would become a killer, yes discharging and killing someone in the line of duty was not uncommon but this would be different it would be murder plain and simple. Although wrong she knew she couldn’t help but think it would be the only justice for the victims and thought if and when it came to that would she stop Joe? Guess we’d have to find out.

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