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The Void

         Lucious sits on his throne one as one of the higher Demons he is in charge of many legions of fallen. Yet he is unable to touch this woman, this light and his task to destroy her is weighing on him greatly. He roars “Why isn’t she dead, why isn’t she broken”?!, “with all of my demons and power I can’t understand why your failing me”! Glasya-Labolas cowers to his knees and with a lowly whisper says “ My prince the heavenly host protect her and her lover, perhaps if we took more demons we could set a distraction”. Lucious glares at him with disgust and replies “ Do it! Whatever it takes, I want them both broken”!!! Glasya-Labolas Bows and scurries away summoning his horde and will head to the brownstone on the corner below the church to find a way to destroy her and in the process break her lover; Gauge the warrior.


Dark Hunters

        Cross looks to the others sitting at the table looking at news reports. “Have you all seen these new Mask serial killings happening around the city”?, Cleric looks up and answers ”Yes I believe they are ritualistic in nature, is this something you want to look into”?. Cross looks up from the Display and looks among the others and replies “Yes I believe there is more here than what the police are looking at”. Dream looks over to Geist and asks him “What do u think Geist”? Geist gives his customary nod. Just then a ball flies across the display and bounces into cross as he grabs it. The ball is quickly followed by princess as she runs up to cross to grab it with giggles. A large rumbling comes towards them as Mammoth comes chasing behind her and comes to a halt in the control room where he gives a simple shrug and cross hands the ball to Princess and smiles and says “Sweetie do you think mammoth and you can go play in the rec room, we are trying to work here”?, and with that princess gives a little nod and runs off with Mammoth and his pounding footsteps shaking the compound. Cross looks at everyone else and chuckles. They all laugh and dream shrugs with a “Kids” and it’s off to work them as the sunset approaches its time to find this Mask and put an end to him and his horrific deeds. Judging by the attacks labeled by the police he strikes within a 3 mile radius from the park, although the police have been sweeping buildings and walking it on foot Cleric knows where to look and points to the subway grid on the display and shouts “There!, it’s an old abandoned tunnel with maintenance room right near the center of the killings”. “The police have been combing everything above ground but I doubt they’ve even looked below the streets” Cleric continued. Cross nods with approval and says “Yeah I believe you may be right there definitely worth a look, lets Move”! They gear up and head out leaving princess with Mammoth for safe keeping Not to mention he doesn’t fit in the SUV they figure he wont be needed for this one.



           With his heart heavy he bolts through this world at the speed of thought looking over the human population as tears flood his eyes. He comes to a stop up on the roof of a college and simply watches its student body for hours. He knows his place and his orders yet he knows he cannot see harm come to his charge so leaving her side to let another care for her was the only choice he had and now he must find another charge to care for, one that needs him. Most humans do not have angels with them simply because they are evil or have no faith, so finding a lone charge is not difficult but selecting the right one, one worthy can be near impossible. He is able to see human auras and know if they are good or evil regardless of faith, even seeing if they are troubled. He looks on for some time as the hours past, why did he stop here? He thinks, why not keep moving? Just then a security cart rolls by one of the pathways with a young woman. Her aura is clouded with confusion and pain yet it emanates a distinct glow of good. He watches her, feeling drawn to her as she drives by the gym then unto the field near the tree line before she comes to a stop and pulls out a bag and takes out her lunch. He moves near her cloaked in the tree line and simply watches her. This is my new charge he thinks and feels relieved; reaching out to her he places his hand upon her shoulder and sees her life flash in his mind’s eye. She was a soldier troubled by all the death she’s seen but in the end a good soul. Clarion, her name; a very beautiful name and he decides to be with her from now on as her Guardian. Her radio chirps followed by a static voice “Clarion, come in”!, She puts her sandwich down and replies with half full mouth and mumbles “Over”, The voices squawks back “Report of an abduction at subway tunnel man pulled young student into the shadows of tunnel, police have been notified just giving you heads up to be on the look out”. “Shit, are you serious”!? She barks back, “dead” comes back on the radio. She throws her sandwich on the ground and starts up her cart speeds off to the subway entrance to the school. Acheron is with her nor shall he leave her side.


 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Matthew 18:20King James Version (KJV)





          With his head bowed and eyes closed at the foot of his bed he quietly asks “Dear Lord please protect young Jenny and please assist the police in finding this evil calling itself the Mask, aid them in bringing it to justice I beg you” Amen.

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